On Continued Fraction Solutions of Some Ricatti Type Differential Fractions
The history of Kalagan Indigenous Group in Hagonoy, Davao Del Sur
Decomposition of Sunflower Cuttings in Payoh Terraces
Search for Philippine Wood Species Suitable for the Manufacture of Stringed Musical Instruments
Migration Pattern and Socio-Economic Status of Migrants in Forest Lands Within Selected Municipalities of the Cordillera
Floral Biology of Petroleum Nut (Pittosporum resiniferum Hemsl.) Tree for Information and Record
Phenology of Benguet Pine and Mindoro Pine in Northern and West Central Luzon
Effects of Adverse Water Regime on the Growth and Development of Salago (Wilkstroemia sp.)
Palynological Catalogue of the Endemic and Indigenous Angiosperm Flora of the Philippines (Cyperaceae-gramineae (Poaceae)
Testing, Development, and Nutritional Evaluation of Low Cost Nutritious Snack and Lunch Items from Blends of Indigenous Flours